EYFS 2024 - 2025
Home learning resources from Twinkl:
Twinkl have created some FREE home learning resources for you to access. Click the link below to download them.
Remember to check out the Home Learning page (the blue button on the main menu) for some great educational websites that you can use to continue your learning at home. There might even be some educational games for you to play.
Phonics Play have made all of their resources FREE, just use these detials:
USERNAME: march20
Bees and Butterflies
Week Commencing: 30th March 2020
Written Task
Look out of the window or go out in to the garden – what can you see?
Draw a picture of the garden outside your window. Can you label the different things you can see?
You could try and write sentences about what you can see. Could you use any of your tricky words in your sentences?
Maths Task
Watch the Farmer Pete number bonds to 10 video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cbiji4iMZgs
How many different ways of making ten can you find?
Practical maths
Use practical resources to help your child such as pencils, teddies etc. Please let the children practise splitting ten into 2 groups and discuss how many is in each group, and how they can be added together to make 10.
Written maths task
- How many different ways can you find to make 10? Write them down as addition sentences
Eg. 2 + 8 = 10 5+5= 10
- You may wish to try some challenge questions
6 + ________ = 10 5 + ___ = 10 9 + _________ =10 3 + ___ = 10 8 + ____ = 10
Reading Task
- Please read at least 3 x per week (online or physical reading books) You could ask your child questions about what they have read to check their understanding.
- Practise reading and recognition of your tricky words (on your key rings)
- Practise reading your letters and your digraphs (on your key rings or use a phonics website. Phonicsplay.co.uk have some good games)
Other Suggested Weekly Learning – Tasks Related to all areas of the EYFS Curriculum
Personal, Social, Emotional Development (PSED) Play a game at home where you have take turns. Practise sharing and waiting for your turn. |
Communication and language Read a story with a grown up and discuss what has happened. Can you answer how / why questions?
Physical Development Listen to and join in with the BBC time to move dance episodes – Spring in the garden https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03g6hgk/episodes/player Joe wicks is also offering daily PE lessons on his you tube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ |
Literacy Reading See reading tasks above. Writing See above. Letter formation – handwriting practise |
Maths Number See tasks above for maths Shape, Space and Measure Practise recognition and describing 2D shapes. |
Understanding the World Draw and label a picture of a plant. Labels must include
Creative Arts and Design Please complete a spring art/craft activity using the resources you have at home. Some ideas can be found below, but feel free to choose your own!
Spellings Please practise the following spellings:
We miss you already. We would love to see any photographs and videos of your children completing the tasks on tapestry! J
Useful website for home learning and educational games
EYFS Home learning pack:
Phonics games: